Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I was on the phone to SBC (the phone company) earlier today. I was calling the Customer Service Department. Due to difficulty with his accent, I struggled to understand the Customer Service Representative. He said his name was "Yoo" (not sure of the spelling). Eventually, we agreed I needed to be transferred to another department.
The next person I conversed with was "Mee" (correct spelling).

The following conversation COULD HAVE HAPPENED:

WIFE: Were you talking to someone on the phone?
ME : Yes, I talked to Yoo and Mee.
WIFE: To who?
ME : To Yoo and Mee.
WIFE: What?
ME : I called the phone company and talked to Yoo and Mee.
WIFE: How is that possible?
ME : First, I talked to Yoo, and then Yoo transferred the call to Mee.
WIFE: When you dialed the number, who was the first person who answered the phone?
ME : Yoo.
WIFE: And who was on second?
ME : Mee.
WIFE: So, you're telling me you dialed this number and I was on first and You were on second?
ME : No. That's not how it happened. I dialed this number. Yoo was on first; Mee was on second.
WIFE: Me? Don't you mean "I"?
ME : I only talked to Yoo and Mee.
WIFE: Did you and me have a nice conversation?
ME : As far as I know, Yoo never talked to Mee.
WIFE: If I dial this number, would you recognize the person's voice?
ME : I suppose, If Yoo and he were friends.
Wife: Why would I be friends with anyone at the phone company? Are there people at the phone
company that are friends with you?
ME : I'd like to think so.
WIFE: How did you meet these people?
ME : By working with them.
WIFE: You worked at the phone company?
ME : I talked to Yoo just a few minutes ago. See for yourself. Call, and ask to speak to Yoo.
WIFE: I will. And when I'm finished, you will have to deal with me.
Me: I'm not sure Yoo and Mee are in the same country.
Wife: Keep that up, buster, and you'll be right!
Me : Huh?

Monday, August 14, 2006


1.Where did you take your default pic? Arizona; at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West.

2.What exactly are you wearing right now? underwear. shorts. t-shirt and socks. where did that waiter go??

3.What is your current problem? worrying about the things I need to do INSTEAD of answering this survey.

4.What makes you most happy? seeing young children.

5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to now? Sinatra ... "Luck Be A Lady".

6. Any celeb you would marry? I used to have a thing for Dorothy Hamill.

7.Name someone with the same birthday as you? um ... two actresses ... Marlene Dietrich, 1901; Tovah Feldshuh, 1952;

8.Ever sang in front of a large audience? No. Wish I could, though.

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? nope. wait. does the 'Michelin Man' count?

10.Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? naw. although, i can still sing the theme to "Sesame Street", "Electric Company" and "Zoom".

11.Do you speak any other languages? not very well. Lo siento mucho, pero, no.

12.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? yes

13.Do you ever watch MTV? rarely.

14.What's something that really annoys you? stupid people. no ... not you. the other guy.

Chapter 1:

1.Middle name: Carl

2.Nickname(s): nope

3.Current location: home... in the living room.

4.Eye color: dark brown

Chapter 2:

1.Do you live with your parents: nope

2.Do you get along with your parent(s): they have passed on.

3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced: see above .... in heaven!

4.Do you have any Siblings?: two. older and younger brother.

Chapter 3: Favorites

1. IceCream: i'm not choosy. if you're buying, i'd love some! ok .... chocolate and/or rocky road.

2. Season: there's only one in fresno. right?

3. Shampoo/conditioner: whatever's on sale.

Chapter 4: Do You..

1.Dance in the shower: no.

2.Write on your hand: no

3.Call people back: yes

4.Believe in love: yes

5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed: if you're standing at the foot of the bed and facing it, i sleep on the right side.

6. Any bad habits: of course!

7. Any mental health issues? yes.

Chapter 5: Have You...

1.Broken a bone: yes.

2.Sprained stuff: yep.

3.Had physical therapy? yup...

4.Gotten stitches: yes. last were in my mouth.

5.Taken painkillers: yes...

6.Gone Scuba diving or snorkeling: no. i'm not a good swimmer.

7.Been stung by a bee: nope. stupid nature.

8.Thrown up at the dentist: what? thrown up at the dentist's??? why would i do that?

9.Sworn in front of your parents: no.

10.Had detention: No, I was a "good boy". (patting myself on the head).

11.Been sent to the principal's office: ok ... not THAT good. in 4th grade, another boy and I ran through the sprinklers (with our clothes on).

12.Been called a hoe: i like to think of myself more like a riding mower .... (rimshot).

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last

1.Movie(s): In theater: um.. um ... dang. can't remember. perhaps the last "X-men" installment. on dvd: Indigo

2.Person to text you?: cindy

3.Person you called: my wife, Marthalou.

4.Person you hugged: Marthalou, my wife.

5.Person you tackled? wife, my Marthalou.

6.Thing you touched: took out the garbage. yes, i washed my hands afterwards! give me some credit!

7.Thing you ate: Chinese Food. to be more exact, the fortune cookie: "you will soon be successful at home and at work". honest! that is what it said.

8.Thing you drank: water

9.Thing you said: "Marthalou, do you remember the last movie we saw in the theater?"

10.Friends you miss the most that have moved: Brenda. and Peter. and Molly.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

An "A. P. B." on the Kings River

On the local news this evening, the Kings River was described as a dangerous killer. It seems some area residents have misjudged the river's depth and swift current and have lost their lives in numerous drowning incidents.
I wish the Kings River could sue for defamation of character.
May I suggest that the true "killers" are Human Carelessness and, in some cases, Alcohol.
The runoff from this season's snow melt has made the river's current dangerously fast. On the video I viewed, the water seemed to be racing downstream.
If the Las Vegas oddsmakers could set odds on the showdown between Mother Mature and Human Carelessness, the odds would favor the Lady by at least 10 to 1 every time. Perhaps for the upcoming Labor Day weekend, one can play the 3-day Exacta.
If I were to testify in court, I would be a character witness for the Kings River: "He don't say nothing; He must know something; He just keeps rolling along. He can't keep fools from jumping in."

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Bug's Life

I was sitting outside on the patio earlier this evening. It was a pleasant experience ... for a while.
Eventually, a fly began harassing me. It was a brilliantly planned attack. Land. "Shoo!" Land again. "Dammit, get outta here!" Land on another body part. "Will you PLEASE leave me alone?"
You get the idea.
And as darkness gathered, I knew the arrival of a mosquito or two would be the next distraction. I wondered, "What if all flying insects belonged to same union and were expected to go to work each day?" I imagined the following conversation, between Chuck, the Fly and Buzz, the Mosquito:

LOCATION: A place of business ... a time clock attached to a wall.
TIME: 2O minutes before dusk.

BUZZ: "Hiya, Chuck! How was work today? You look rather pleased with yourself."
CHUCK: " Hey, Buzz. I had a blast! I ended my shift with a classic routine. It was hilarious!"
BUZZ" " Let me guess. A human again, right?"
CHUCK: "Yep. He was sitting alone. Wearing short pants. I tried the classic 'Leg; Leg; Arm' sequence on him. He was flailing more than a deranged masochist. And then I did it again. And again. I saw an empty chair nearby. Just far enough away that he couldn't reach it. I landed there and taunted and teased him. It was Textbook ... all the way!"
BUZZ: "Congratulations! Do you think I'd be interested in him?"
CHUCK: "Oh, yeah. He had juicy calves. It's like they just built a new Starbucks in town! Say, how was your trip?"
BUZZ: "The family had a great time. We went to Yosemite. Hung out with some tourists who were camping. I shouldn't over eat like that. I get drowsy and fall asleep after dinner."
CHUCK: " Well, they say that's what vacations are for. I better be going. Gladys is expecting me home to help with the Little Maggots."
BUZZ: " See you tomorrow. I think I'll go see if this guy is my cup of B positive."

Friday, July 21, 2006

I Haven't A Clue

Do you lead an easy life?

What if we could classify everyone in one of three possible groups?

The first group: Those of us who have figured out how best to make life complete and are moving towards that goal.
The second group: Where most of us function, living as best we can. Having good days, bad days and the usual ups and downs.
The third group: Those who make life much more difficult than it was meant to be.

I find myself in the last group. The more I try to understand life, the more confused I become. Apparently, I am clueless regarding interpersonal relationships. The more effort I invest in making friends, the more others avoid me. When a person attempts to draw closer to me, the more I try to push that person away. As a result, I am a lonely person wondering why no one wants to be my friend. I'm pretty certain life wasn't meant to be like this.

What makes me happy? I don't know anymore. I DO remember being happy as a child. That seems like someone else's life.

What basic truth in life did I miss?

Sunday, June 25, 2006

World Cup Soccer

The United States soccer team laid an egg at the World Cup. Many Americans were hoping the team would do well and give us a reason to be proud of our country.
Now it's back to facing the quagmire in the Middle East, a dysfunctional Congress, a misguided President and lack of respect from the other nations of the world.
How frustrating it is to be ashamed of one's country.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Innocent Sounds

Living not too far from a grammar school, one of the neat sounds I hear is the children playing during recess. With a window open, I can hear the excited screams of a group of girls reacting to something on the play ground. Boys yelling instructions to each other, while playing baseball or some other game. I can remember back to when I was in grammar school. When finding your place among your classmates and a group to belong to meant everything. And sneaking a glance at the girls. How I wanted to be popular. How I wished I was brave enough to talk to girls. I thought Marilyn Miller was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Don't think we said a word to each other, though. Where did you go, Marilyn Miller? I wonder how many boys on today's school play ground have those same feelings and fears that I did back then. I wish I could reach out to them. Tell them it will be all right

Monday, May 29, 2006

I've Been Bitten

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to me! Something bit me on my toe and the back of my thigh. My foot is swollen. I'm watching it. If it gets too weird, off to the ER I go.
I tried to watch the Indianapolis 500 race on Sunday. It just isn't the same as in the old days. Who are most of these people? The race cars are so small, there's no place to adequately display the cars' numbers. Well, there is one good area, on the side of the car. But of course, that space is reserved for the car's main sponsor. Knowing that Danica Patrick was driving the # 16 car was useless. The best I could make out was that her car had some blue on it and the sponsor's name was Tangent, or something like that. It's too late for these guys. NASCAR is King. {spits terbaccy juice}. Yep. Sure as hell.