Monday, August 14, 2006


1.Where did you take your default pic? Arizona; at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West.

2.What exactly are you wearing right now? underwear. shorts. t-shirt and socks. where did that waiter go??

3.What is your current problem? worrying about the things I need to do INSTEAD of answering this survey.

4.What makes you most happy? seeing young children.

5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to now? Sinatra ... "Luck Be A Lady".

6. Any celeb you would marry? I used to have a thing for Dorothy Hamill.

7.Name someone with the same birthday as you? um ... two actresses ... Marlene Dietrich, 1901; Tovah Feldshuh, 1952;

8.Ever sang in front of a large audience? No. Wish I could, though.

9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? nope. wait. does the 'Michelin Man' count?

10.Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? naw. although, i can still sing the theme to "Sesame Street", "Electric Company" and "Zoom".

11.Do you speak any other languages? not very well. Lo siento mucho, pero, no.

12.Has anyone you've been really close with passed away? yes

13.Do you ever watch MTV? rarely.

14.What's something that really annoys you? stupid people. no ... not you. the other guy.

Chapter 1:

1.Middle name: Carl

2.Nickname(s): nope

3.Current location: home... in the living room.

4.Eye color: dark brown

Chapter 2:

1.Do you live with your parents: nope

2.Do you get along with your parent(s): they have passed on.

3.Are your parents married/separated/divorced: see above .... in heaven!

4.Do you have any Siblings?: two. older and younger brother.

Chapter 3: Favorites

1. IceCream: i'm not choosy. if you're buying, i'd love some! ok .... chocolate and/or rocky road.

2. Season: there's only one in fresno. right?

3. Shampoo/conditioner: whatever's on sale.

Chapter 4: Do You..

1.Dance in the shower: no.

2.Write on your hand: no

3.Call people back: yes

4.Believe in love: yes

5.Sleep on a certain side of the bed: if you're standing at the foot of the bed and facing it, i sleep on the right side.

6. Any bad habits: of course!

7. Any mental health issues? yes.

Chapter 5: Have You...

1.Broken a bone: yes.

2.Sprained stuff: yep.

3.Had physical therapy? yup...

4.Gotten stitches: yes. last were in my mouth.

5.Taken painkillers: yes...

6.Gone Scuba diving or snorkeling: no. i'm not a good swimmer.

7.Been stung by a bee: nope. stupid nature.

8.Thrown up at the dentist: what? thrown up at the dentist's??? why would i do that?

9.Sworn in front of your parents: no.

10.Had detention: No, I was a "good boy". (patting myself on the head).

11.Been sent to the principal's office: ok ... not THAT good. in 4th grade, another boy and I ran through the sprinklers (with our clothes on).

12.Been called a hoe: i like to think of myself more like a riding mower .... (rimshot).

Chaper 6: Who/What was the last

1.Movie(s): In theater: um.. um ... dang. can't remember. perhaps the last "X-men" installment. on dvd: Indigo

2.Person to text you?: cindy

3.Person you called: my wife, Marthalou.

4.Person you hugged: Marthalou, my wife.

5.Person you tackled? wife, my Marthalou.

6.Thing you touched: took out the garbage. yes, i washed my hands afterwards! give me some credit!

7.Thing you ate: Chinese Food. to be more exact, the fortune cookie: "you will soon be successful at home and at work". honest! that is what it said.

8.Thing you drank: water

9.Thing you said: "Marthalou, do you remember the last movie we saw in the theater?"

10.Friends you miss the most that have moved: Brenda. and Peter. and Molly.

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